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We believe the Story of God in the Scriptures was always meant to be read in the community, and we’re excited to dive into the Word together as a church family. It is essential that we engage purposefully with the Word of God so we can grow in our faith and relationship with Him.

Statistics show that most people professing faith in Jesus have never thoroughly read their Bible. Many start reading the Bible but become overwhelmed by the number of chapters (1,189) and verses (31,102). We don’t realize that we can read the Bible in a year by reading fewer than four chapters a day. Below, you will find some fantastic resources that we encourage you to take advantage of.

Read this year's Bible-In-A-Year plan with us! Click the link to be taken to the app on your phone (app installation may be required)



Download and access the Devote 21 Guide. For our church in 2025, it starts January 5th. Paper copies will be available in the foyer, or you can download it digitally here and make notes from your device(s).



Access the links below to sign-up for a 1-hour time block of prayer each weekend during the three weekends of Devote 21.


January 10th - 11th

January 17th - 18th

January 24th - 25th


Read Scripture App

Spend quality time reading the Bible daily while learning how to read it with contextual videos. The videos show the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. The Bible is literary  genius and has divine wisdom for the modern world. 


Pray First App

Prayer. It’s simply talking with God. While there is no art to prayer, there are some ways that can help us better connect. Pray First walks you through guided prayer plans. 

Bible App for Kids

Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kids explore the big stories of the Bible. The Bible App for Kids is a delight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to return again and again. It’s the beginning of a lifelong love of God’s Word.

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